Existe : Un Havre Dans Le Chaos (Review)
Un nouvel EP pour la formation de Montréal, Existe. Le groupe lance six chansons qui passent de l'acoustique à la guitare électrique en...

Nachteule : new song IV (News)
This one man band from Montreal brings an atmospheric, black metal to us with one new track IV. This is a single for an album to come...

Metalian : Midnight Rider (Review)
Classic heavy metal clearly inspired by the early 80s, Metalian, from Montreal, just released 8 new tracks of good old metal music. It...

Malebranche : Enlisé (Review)
Premier EP pour le groupe black metal, Malebtanche. Les gars n'hèsitent pas pas à ajouter les qualificatifs shoegaze ou blackgaze à leur...

Verglas Sanglant : s/t (Review)
Les trois premières chansons du nouveau groupe black métal francophone, Verglas Sanglant, sont disponibles depuis un certain temps, je...

Watch For Wolves : Ecclesiaste (Review)
Watch for Wolves are back after 3 or 4 years with three new songs full of sadness and emotions. I think Ecclesiastes is better compare to...

ARGUMENT : Argument (Review)
Un nouveau projet, Argument, punk hardcore, de trois gars qui sont dans pleins d'autres groupes de la scène locale de Montréal. En...

Mental Fix : Summer's Never Long Enough (Review)
Mental Fix is a punk band from Montreal and they just released a little digital demo, more will come and I can't wait to hear the rest,...

Boids: Demo Bag (Review)
5 new songs from the punk rock band of Montréal, Boids, they are weird, but man they are fun to hear. What are the songs about? A lot of...

NowFuture : Spy Killer (Review)
Here's a new band from Montréal with a brand new EP, Spy Killer. They have crafted a story in their own style. Clearly they have a plan...