Interview with Evil & Crow
Rezine : Qui fait quoi dans le groupe? Nick: I’m Nick Evil ... I’ve played / toured in several bands these last years ... The Evil Boys...

Interview with Society's Ills
Rezine: Who’s who in the band? Brent Over on drums, The Naj on lead vocals, Skid Marc on bass and backup vocals, and Danarky on guitar...

Entrevue avec Fuck Toute
Rézine : Qui sont les membres de Fuck Toute ? Fuck Toute: Fuck Toute est composé de François Gagnon aux vocals, Jonathan Bigras aux...

Interview with Jenny Woo
Rezine: What is the latest news? Jenny Woo: Well, I’ve been working hard on releasing my new album “Proud of Every Scar” which I have...

Entrevue avec Disposer
Rézine : Qui sont les membres de Disposer Alex Savard : À part moi qui joue de la guitare, il y a Max (basse), Manu (chant) et Rob...

Entrevue avec Half Truth
Rézine : Quelles sont les dernieres nouvelles pour Half Truth ? Pedro : Dans l’immédiat on va jouer au Soundcentral pour le lancement du...

Interview with Rob "The Baron" Miller about Tau Cross.
Rezine: How did you guys all met and decided to start the band? Rob ‘The Baron’ Miller: had met Andy and Jon back in 2009 whilst on Tour...

Interview with Offside
Rézine: Who's who in the band? Simon - Vocals Jaime - Guitar Guillaume -Guitar Adam - Bass Drums : Scott Rézine: How did it all start?...

Interview with Endform
Rézine: Who's in the band? Alex: Dorian plays guitar and sings for the most parts, Mariève plays bass and sings quite a bunch as well,...