Interview with La Peste (zine)
Rezine: What's the mission of La Peste? La Peste: We're tired of sexism in the punk/hardcore scene. I guess our "mission" is to expose...

Interview with Weird Star
Rezine: Who is in Weird Star? Weird Star: Weird Star is Jack Bielli, Joshua Landry, Jordan Phillips and Michael McDonald Rezine: What's...

Interview with Smirking Revenge
Rezine: Who does what in the band? Smirking Revenge: Roxane is the guitarist and the composer, Joannie’s the drummer, Marie’s the singer...

Interview with Complainers
Rezine: Who plays in Complainers? Alex: Complainers is Karine on drums, Mathieu on guitar, and me, Alex, on bass and unnecessarily...

Interview with Sigh Down One
Rezine: who plays in the band? Sigh Down One: Sasha Ford, Kaity Zozula, Blair Lauren Rezine: How did it all start? Sigh Down One: It...

New song from GAZM
#newsong #montreal #GAZM #Punk #crust

Interview with Pussy Stench
Rezine: what's new with Pussy Stench? Pussy Stench: We have been taking this post-EP period to work on writing as much as we can,...

Montreal HC the movie
#movie #HC #Montreal #scene #local

New Video from Les Ordures Ioniques
Bandcamp Facebook #new #video #ordureioniques #MOntreal #oldschool #punk #street

Impressions on the new album of Dig It Up
Bad Water is the new album of Dig It Up and man that's a dark one. Hardcore as much as it can be and I love it, they stay true to their...