Interview with Smirking Revenge

Rezine: Who does what in the band?
Smirking Revenge: Roxane is the guitarist and the composer, Joannie’s the drummer, Marie’s the singer and
I, Gabrielle, am the bassist.
Rezine: What’s the story of Smirking Revenge?
Smirking Revenge: Smirking Revenge is a story about four girls who found themselves through one passion. As you may know, Joannie and Roxane were in Aenygmist from 2007 to 2012, an all-female black metal project. When the band split up, they swore to each other to always be together throughout music. Later on, they found Charlotte, our ex-singer, and me not so long after. That’s when our project began, around January 2013. We started playing shows in March 2014 and released an EP in November of that year. In June 2015, Charlotte left the band to pursue her other projects, and Marie took her place. And here we are, exploiting our chemistry to create and do what we love.
Rezine: What's the revenge about?
Smirking Revenge: The idea of a smirking revenge is that throughout our music, we avenge ourselves against everything that made us angry or sad, and it goes from people like bullies, to experiences like traumas, or even big corporations that kill the environment for example. It’s our way to channel these bad feelings and it’s our own little revenge.
Rezine: What are your influences?
Smirking Revenge: Nu metal bands like Korn, Kittie, Limp Bizkit and Mudvayne took a big place in our lives, so we were definitely inspired by them, even if we’re not a Nu Metal band. Gojira is an influence too.
Rezine: What inspires your lyrics?
Smirking Revenge: Feelings like anger, sadness, anxiety, etc. We also like to address subjects like the environment, technologies, drugs, etc.
Rezine: You have a new album in preprod do you have a lot done yet?
Smirking Revenge: The album is all written, we’ll be starting studio sessions mid-September. We plan to release it during March 2017.
Rezine: How does it compare to the previous album?
Smirking Revenge: Our first EP was kind of a sound research. We put bits of pieces together. Our upcoming album is more complete, with heavy and melodic parts as well.
Rezine: Do you have a theme for this album?
Smirking Revenge: Mainly the environment as I said before, but we tend to other subjects too like drug addiction, even depersonalization.
Rezine: What’s coming up for Smirking Revenge?
Smirking Revenge: A couple of shows until November, then a little break until March to build up and improve our set for the album release. We’re really excited about it!
Rezine: Do you have other projects?
Smirking Revenge: Joannie and Marie write songs on the side, but there’s not official project on the way.