Interview with Weird Star

Rezine: Who is in Weird Star?
Weird Star: Weird Star is Jack Bielli, Joshua Landry, Jordan Phillips and Michael McDonald
Rezine: What's the story of Weird Star?
Weird Star: We all moved to Montreal from New Brunswick over the past few years and started playing together in mid 2015.
Rezine: What are your influences?
Weird Star: Cap'N Jazz, Rod Stewart and Mick Foley, A.K.A "The Big Three"
Rezine: New Demo out, what are the songs about?
Weird Star: A large a portion of the songs are about getting blasted with your buds, but we also touch on things like Sitting around, hanging out, being bummed, and not being bummed.
Rezine: What's to expect from Weird Star?
Weird Star: We are looking to finishing writing and recording a new EP and to hopefully tour again next summer.
Rezine: Do you have other projects?
Weird Star: I guess you could say that we like to stay busy! When we're not Weird Star, you can find us scattered throughout the bands Gutless Wonder, Gazm, Big Friends, and Boy Pants.