Interview with Endform

Rézine: Who's in the band?
Alex: Dorian plays guitar and sings for the most parts, Mariève plays bass and sings quite a bunch as well, and I (Alex) play drums and mumble a couple of back vocals here and there.
Rézine: How did the band starts?
Alex: I played drums for a hardcore punk band Ab Irato for a couple years. At some point Mariève joined the band as a 2nd singer. She had been thinking about playing this kind of music for a while so we decided to do it! We knew Dorian cause we shared the stage several times with his other band Talk Sick (check them out they're great!). So yeah we knew he was a talented guitarist and a fun person to hang out with, so we asked him and there you go we became a band!
Rézine: How did you come up with the name Endform?
Alex: There are no reasons, it’s just Endform.
Rézine: What inspires the lyrics for your songs?
Alex: The things that we live in our everyday life I guess. So far we even have a song that talks about a dog haha! Mariève's dog passed away pretty much when we started the band so she wrote a pretty emotional song about it.
Rézine: Did it take long to come up with new songs?
Alex: We started the band about a year ago, but lots of things happened over the year. First we lost a guitar player which kind of slowed things down a little. Then Dorian got married, and me and my partner had a baby. So yeah it took quite a while but it’s okay we'd rather take our time and come out with something that we are satisfied with and that we think is good.
Rézine: Do you have more songs coming soon?
Alex: We are always in the process of writing new songs. So far we have these three songs that are already recorded plus two new ones. So five songs for a total of maybe half an hour. It's pretty long considering that all of our previous bands were hardcore / punk bands who played like 1 or 2 minutes long songs!
Rézine: Will we be able to see you on stage soon?
Alex: Oh fuck yeah! As I mentioned before we lost a guitar player, so we are currently looking for someone (ahem!) but when we do you can be sure you'll see our name on flyers.
Rézine: What's coming up for the band?
Alex: We are a pretty new band so I guess a lot of things to come! Writing more songs, hopefully starting playing gigs and who knows, maybe a full length album?
Rézine: Do you have other projects?
Alex: We all played in a couple different bands in the past. Mariève first band was called Deadly Pale, they were super active in the punk scene when I was still in high school! After that she played in a crust band called Hang Them All for two years or so. Dorian plays in Talk Sick. They started this band about ten years ago in Halifax, and after playing shows in every single venue in the city several times they decided to move to Montreal. The four of them! As for myself I played drums with Ab Irato, and I am currently playing with the Ripcordz. I also substitute for Self Control every once in a while.