Metalian : Midnight Rider (Review)

Classic heavy metal clearly inspired by the early 80s, Metalian, from Montreal, just released 8 new tracks of good old metal music. It never gets corny, it's always fun and great they sound like a good ride down to the old days but with a modern sound to it.
The music is amazing, it sounds great, this album is well mixed the balance between the instruments is one the best i have heard. Two guitars ( Ian and Simon) are dualing with some amazing solos, but never getting over board with their talents. Some old bands should learn from them. They have a good speed going through the songs never settling down. They wanted the album to feel like a ride and it works with the different beats they use for the songs.
The drum (Tony) is so good not going for any crazy nonsense, but if guides the songs and connects the riffs with some good passes. The bass (Andres) is the instrument that never moves away from the main riff when the two guitars are playing their crazy solos, like in the song Bastard, the bass is always there keeping the melody alive, you can hear some more technical jobs of the bass on Firestorm. On top of that a great voice (Ian) delivers the lyrics with a clean voice like Ozzy and pushes the high pitch voice like Bruce Dickinson. Never taking too much space the voice completes the song and fits perfectly with the style.
If you are a fan of old Iron Maiden or Metallica's Kill 'em All, you should love this brand new classic heavy metal album from the Metalian. The metal revival fans of Mutank or old school punk like ZEX will also fill their craving with this album.