Watch For Wolves : Ecclesiaste (Review)

Watch for Wolves are back after 3 or 4 years with three new songs full of sadness and emotions.
I think Ecclesiastes is better compare to their previous release, the music is different, the melodies are more important in the songs. The drum is not as fast and the mixing balances everything beautifully, nothing gets too loud.
I must say the guitars are well done, not going excessively toward the distortion. A clean guitar with a nice constant melody does just fine to bring the sad mood of the songs. The singing is as intense as it should be, you get to feel the pain and you can even hear the singer inhale before screaming and let you hear is suffering.
The music reminds me of Nous Étions and TDOAFS. Great music to listen when it's raining outside and to wear the hood of your sweater over your head. If you have another suggestion, let me know. Very powerful and well done hope to hear more from the band in a near future.