Satanarchist : new song Paradox (News+Date)
New album, First Against The Wall, is coming out in June for the band Satanarchist. They mix thrash metal and crust to make some dark and...

Napalm Raid : Wheel of War (Review)
The coast to coast Canadian band is back, they took their time before releasing this one since they have the band members spread out...

Nachteule : new song IV (News)
This one man band from Montreal brings an atmospheric, black metal to us with one new track IV. This is a single for an album to come...

Tau Cross : new song Deep State (News)
One new song for Tau Cross this amazing band fronted by the very nice Rob "The Baron" Miller (who gave me an interview following the...

Metalian : Midnight Rider (Review)
Classic heavy metal clearly inspired by the early 80s, Metalian, from Montreal, just released 8 new tracks of good old metal music. It...

Hive :Â Parasitic Twin (Review)
The band Hive from Minneapolis recently released their first album. They are just too good can't stop listening. That's the kind of...

Malebranche : Enlisé (Review)
Premier EP pour le groupe black metal, Malebtanche. Les gars n'hèsitent pas pas à ajouter les qualificatifs shoegaze ou blackgaze à leur...

Deathbringer : L'Enfer C'est Nous (Review)
Quatre nouvelles chansons de douleurs, terreurs et folies du groupe death métal de Montréal, Deathbringer. C'est leur deuxième release en...

Surfin'Â Mutants Pizza Party : Unknown Fear (Review)
SMPP is always active and always coming up with an EP, an album or some singles, since 2013, but nothing after 2015, they got busy on...

Verglas Sanglant : s/t (Review)
Les trois premières chansons du nouveau groupe black métal francophone, Verglas Sanglant, sont disponibles depuis un certain temps, je...