Hive : Parasitic Twin (Review)

The band Hive from Minneapolis recently released their first album. They are just too good can't stop listening. That's the kind of crust, d-beat that I love. It's so heavy and strong I will for sure listen to that album over and over again.
The band had a previous 6 track release, but Parasitic Twin is their first full album. And already I feel that they are getting better at it. The sound is great for the album. The drum is just amazing keeping that beat through all the songs, that is for sure a great way to do cardio.
Liked the speed of the songs, but what i really love about this album is how heavy it is. The rhythm guitar and the Bass are doing a great job chaining the chords, they slide between the chords , settle for another one and start sliding between more chords. They make the tracks go fast with lots of power and weight. Some songs are longer than what I'm used to in that genre, but that's fine, I never get bored with them.
The lead guitar brings out great melodies of the songs and keep them unique. You don't ever feel that all the songs are the same. This album just flows very well. The band doesn't hesitate to also change beats which makes it nice to hear variety in the album.
The lyrics are also very strong. First the vocals are great. The really deep voice of Morgan Carpenter makes it dark and intense, just wish it was a bit louder. The texts of the songs are beautiful, just take the time to read them. All themes are quite actual. We hear about borders, being stuck in a cage, any kind of cage, songs about humans using other humans to slave for them. I think that is just great that all the songs echo the modern realities of rich getting richer and the rest who have to survive.
Parasitic Twin is a strong and powerful crust, hardcore album. If you are a fan of Doom, Sepultura's: Chaos AD, Saccage or Deathbringer, you got to check it out one of my favourite albums so far this year, in that genre, they just keep it simple and it sounds great. Check the label Crown and Throne Ltd to learn more and get the album.