Malebranche : Enlisé (Review)
Premier EP pour le groupe black metal, Malebtanche. Les gars n'hèsitent pas pas à ajouter les qualificatifs shoegaze ou blackgaze à leur...
Deathbringer : L'Enfer C'est Nous (Review)
Quatre nouvelles chansons de douleurs, terreurs et folies du groupe death métal de Montréal, Deathbringer. C'est leur deuxième release en...
Verglas Sanglant : s/t (Review)
Les trois premières chansons du nouveau groupe black métal francophone, Verglas Sanglant, sont disponibles depuis un certain temps, je...
Victime Quelconque : Enclosphère (Review)
Le nouvel album du groupe doom black métal de Chandler, Victime Quelconque, est maintenant disponible en ligne et sur cassette sur...
Saccage/Hellacaust : Split
Saccage from Quebec City and Hellacaust from Halifax just launched a split. It's just amazing old schoold crust and black metal put on a...
Interview with Smirking Revenge
Rezine: Who does what in the band? Smirking Revenge: Roxane is the guitarist and the composer, Joannie’s the drummer, Marie’s the singer...
Interview with AST
Rezine: What's coming up with AST? Bene: We are a black metal band from Germany consisting of two members and a drum computer giving us...
Impressions of GRINDMOTHER new album Age of Destruction
At first I thought it was some kind of viral video, where a grandmother was having fun singing in a grindcore band. I figured it would...
Impressions on AST new album Fraktale
This was a tough one to go through. It wasn’t because of the music it was because my day job, people kept interrupting me with work, but...
Interview with Saudade
Rezine: Who plays in the band? Saudade:Brandon Gruber handles drums and most vocals. Preston Lobzun does all the guitar and some...