Interview with Saudade

Rezine: Who plays in the band?
Saudade:Brandon Gruber handles drums and most vocals. Preston Lobzun does all the guitar and some lead/backing vocals for songs. We recently added Rachel Simpson on bass guitar.
Rezine: What mood are you in when you create your music?
Saudade: Depressed and angry because it helps emit our more negative emotions.
Rezine: How did the band starts?
Saudade: We started Saudade originally as a side-project for recording purposes only, but after releasing our debut EP we were asked to play shows so we started to write and perform more. Both of us (Brandon and Preston) had talked about doing a black metal project for about six years and came through with it once we moved in together which is where the band stands currently.
Rezine: What are your musical influences?
Saudade: Darkthrone, Burzum, Behemoth, Silencer, Sodom, Mayhem and Cradle of Filth. We also maintain influence from bands that got us into music from long ago like Slipknot, Alkaline Trio, System of a Down, and bands like that.
Rezine: What inspires the lyrics of your songs?
BRANDON: Mental illnesses by far are the strongest focal point in all my music due to the fact that I have them. A lot of the lyrics are based off of personal experiences from dealing with mental illnesses.
PRESTON: Hatred for society, war, suffering, and pretty much anything negative.
Rezine:Do you have a tour coming up?
Saudade: We are from Canada so we are planning on our first tour here with our roommate’s band Vow of Thorns and the U.S band Ashbringer in July. We also have another tour run shortly after with the Windsor blackgaze band Hell Is Other People. We would like to someday hit up Europe and other countries but that is far off for now.
Rezine:Do you have other projects?
Saudade: Brandon was in a band named Dead Man's Will but that band has since broken up. Rachel is in a local band called Drown The Noise and Preston has a multitude of projects that often get released through his label Why Gang Records.