NowFuture : Spy Killer (Review)
Here's a new band from Montréal with a brand new EP, Spy Killer. They have crafted a story in their own style. Clearly they have a plan...

Impressions : Void Forger w/ vvvlv new split + Stream
Here's a new split the guys from Void Forger told me to check out. Good thing they did, because it's great. First song is from the...

Impressions: PYRAMIDO -- Vatten
The sludge doom band from Sweden, Pyramido, has a new album coming out april 29th. Vatten has 5 new heavy and stoner songs with dark...

Entrevue avec Evil Prevails!
Rézine : Qui sont les membres d'Evil Prevails ? Simon : Guitars: Francis Beaulieu (Archons, Copperfield) et Pier-Charles Gamelin Drums:...