Impressions on the new Crowhurst album
Crowhurst is an experimental death metal band from L.A. and has a brand new album, II, for me it felt like a great trip in a dark world...

Impressions : Void Forger w/ vvvlv new split + Stream
Here's a new split the guys from Void Forger told me to check out. Good thing they did, because it's great. First song is from the...

Impressions: PYRAMIDO -- Vatten
The sludge doom band from Sweden, Pyramido, has a new album coming out april 29th. Vatten has 5 new heavy and stoner songs with dark...

Pyramido -- Vatten
Here are a couple of songs from the upcoming album of the Swedish band Pyramido. They are following in the line of the bands that are...

Entrevue avec Fuck Toute
Rézine : Qui sont les membres de Fuck Toute ? Fuck Toute: Fuck Toute est composé de François Gagnon aux vocals, Jonathan Bigras aux...