Days of Rage : We'll sleep when we're dead (Review)
We'll Sleep When We're Dead is the first album for the Montreal punk rock band Days of Rage. After a good EP titled Disobey (2014) and a...

Unwanted Noise : Last Of Our Kind (Review)
Alright, this is a late review of this album that appeared in early 2016, but who cares, I do whatever I want with this webzine. If...

Shotcallers : EP
Here's the latest release of a great street Oi punk band from Montreal. The Shotcallers and their thugrock will make sure that you know...

Jenny Woo's Holy Flame: Ignorance (Video)
Great song, love the rhythm, I heard Jenny's more acoustic projects, but this full band song is great. Anyways take a look. For more...

Out Of Order needs your help !!!
Here's what happens, Out Of Order, punk rock/Oï! band from Montreal is ready to go on tour, just 4 days before they can start their Van...

Interview with Jenny Woo
Rezine: What is the latest news? Jenny Woo: Well, I’ve been working hard on releasing my new album “Proud of Every Scar” which I have...

Interview with Offside
Rézine: Who's who in the band? Simon - Vocals Jaime - Guitar Guillaume -Guitar Adam - Bass Drums : Scott Rézine: How did it all start?...