Unwanted Noise : Last Of Our Kind (Review)

Alright, this is a late review of this album that appeared in early 2016, but who cares, I do whatever I want with this webzine. If you're like me and you missed the album, because there's so many things out there, well, here's the chance to listen to the songs of Last Of Our Kind. Nine tracks of punk rock, street style. Fast and raging punk music with that street flavour, that means catchy vocals with responding choir, with the oï call. Strong rocking guitars that have heavy distortion and won't hesitate to add a solo here and there. The drum on this album has a great sound for the snare, heavy and nice transitions to highlight the end of the riffs. The bass adds some serious weight to the songs and keeps the riffs flowing. The vocals are screaming and ready for a brawl, three songs have the word fight in them, the last song Face, is about hating the face of someone. Nazi Scum, the first song, sets their view on that topic, the lyrics fit with the working class, skin, punk attitude. Love that kind of stuff. For the fans of Hold A Grudge or Out Of Order, here is unwanted Noise from Longueuil. Great band with a rock sound and an oï attitude. Fun and fast music ready for the fight. Check them out to get an idea. Facebook Bandcamp