Banal : Contra (Review)
Nouvel album qui frappe dans face de notre système. Du grind bien crasse et super pesant, des changement de vitesse. Un son métal avec...

Ezerath : Overture: The Heir Apparent (Review)
This is another great one man band from Montreal. The project is the brainchild of Jeremy Vocino-Montpetit. It took him three years to...

Deshuesadero : La AgonÃa De los Sin suerte (Review)
The band from Mexico is mixing punk with neo-crust. Lots of emotions in the music. Heavy and slow exploring, sounds with their...

Ultyma : Liberation (Review)
Ultyma is from Montreal and they are hitting really hard with the three new songs they have released this march. Good metal with a...

Blex XPerience présente: Big, Bad & Pa Bo! : Punk Shit (Review)
Voici un projet bien intéressant, un album qui rend hommage à la musique punk hardcore et crossover. C'est le premier album dans la série...

Nuit (Video)
Premier single, Possession, pour la formation Nuit. Metal noir crasseux Québécois Danevil Malmort (tout les instruments et paroles) ...

Gilbert Et Les Amis De Tom : Spectacle Complet (Video)
Voyez le spectacle complet de la formation punk rock qui a eu lieu en Novembre dernier. #GilbertEtLesAmisDeTom #SpectacleComplet #Video...

Stupid Karate : Punk is a free pricing corpse (Review)
Stupid Karate, formation punk rock française de Lille, a lancé il y a peu de temps un nouvel EP qui a pour titre Punk Is A Free Pricing...

Days of Rage : We'll sleep when we're dead (Review)
We'll Sleep When We're Dead is the first album for the Montreal punk rock band Days of Rage. After a good EP titled Disobey (2014) and a...

Phyrexian : Extended Play (Review)
Here's a band from Argentina that contacted me to check their music, love it when I get messages like that, makes it easier on me. I...