Arising from
Le groupe Arising From nous arrive avec un EP punk rock. La musique est des plus accessibles. Ça ressemble beaucoup aux formations...

Ça tire Volume 2 (Compilation + Fanzine)
La deuxième compil Ça Tire est maintenant disponible depuis plusieurs semaines et tu le savais pas? Ce n'est pas grave elle est toujours...

NowFuture : Spy Killer (Review)
Here's a new band from Montréal with a brand new EP, Spy Killer. They have crafted a story in their own style. Clearly they have a plan...

Aarsen : Satellite (Video+Dates)
The band from Gatineau has been around since 2006, they have worked hard, touring and appearing multiple time at the Montebello Rockfest...

Out Of Order needs your help !!!
Here's what happens, Out Of Order, punk rock/Oï! band from Montreal is ready to go on tour, just 4 days before they can start their Van...