Interview with Napalm Raid
Photo by Jimmy Rose Rezine: What are the latest news for the band? Corpse: Lots going on at the moment. We will be recording our new LP...

Interview with Article 15
Rezine: Tell us about your band how did it all start? Jeff Englehart: I guess you could say that Article 15 actually started as a solo...

Interview with Iskra
Rezine: Who's who in the band? Wolf: Danni-vox/Wolf-guitar/Cody-drums/Anatol-guitar/Kate-bass Rezine: What are the latest news about the...

Entrevue avec Fuck Toute
Rézine : Qui sont les membres de Fuck Toute ? Fuck Toute: Fuck Toute est composé de François Gagnon aux vocals, Jonathan Bigras aux...

Interview with Endform
Rézine: Who's in the band? Alex: Dorian plays guitar and sings for the most parts, Mariève plays bass and sings quite a bunch as well,...

Interview with Doom
Rezine: How is the band doing? Bri: Good thanks. At the moment we are in the process of writing some new material for a couple of EP’s,...