The Outborn : Seven (Review)
First release for Montreal, Death Metal, The Outborn. That is one interesting twist to the extreme style. In fact, they go toward a...

Unfinished War : Our First Report To The World (Review)
Le groupe, Unfinished War, de Québec nous a offert un EP de 4 chansons, Our First Report To The World, début de 2017. Ils font dans le...

Boundaries :Â Quarter Life Crisis (Review)
Le groupe hardcore de Québec nous donne un deuxième album de rage et de musique pesante. Si le langage explicite c'est un problème pour...

Saccage/Hellacaust : Split
Saccage from Quebec City and Hellacaust from Halifax just launched a split. It's just amazing old schoold crust and black metal put on a...

New compilation from GBS Records
If you are a fan of screamo / stoner / shoegaze / grunge / post whatever... this is a great compilations. GBS records is a small label...