Lysergic : Disturb The Universe  (Review)
A while back I reviewed an album by Scarlet Beast a punk rock band with a unique sound from Montreal, I decided to check on them again...

Crude SS : Create Your Own Life
The Brazilian label Criminal Attack Records is launching a new CD from the legendary band Crude SS. The band dates back to the early 80s....

Mutank covers Metallica (Video)
One of the greatest old school metal band from Montreal, Canada, shows their influence with this cool cover of Disposable Heroes. Check...

New Video from Les Ordures Ioniques
Bandcamp Facebook #new #video #ordureioniques #MOntreal #oldschool #punk #street

#live #video #oldschool #cannibalcorpse #firstshow

Interview with Dayglo Abortions
Rezine: Who’s who in the band? Willy Jak : Blind mark-drums, the Cretin-guitar vocals and myself on bass. Rezine: What are the latest...