Lysergic : Disturb The Universe (Review)

A while back I reviewed an album by Scarlet Beast a punk rock band with a unique sound from Montreal, I decided to check on them again and I learned that some of the members started a new band named Lysergic. They didn't leave a lot of information about the band, apart for a link to listen to their music and that they are a punk rock band from Montreal They have a fairly recent EP that appeared at the beginning of 2017. Five songs of old school punk rock. The music is really good, they went for a style that is Rock and wanted to leave it with something that is along the lines of the Dead Kennedys or Black Flag. The music is rough and it sounds good, the guitars have less distortion and with some good riffs. Like I said the beat is rock and strong. The element that stands out, is the voice, the text is delivered with power and rage. It is not a growl, it's just a good voice that is ripped and you get to hear all the lyrics. Disturb The Universe is a first EP for Lysergic and it is good, you can tell that the guys have experience and they know what they want to make. They never go for anything catchy, they keep it simple and effective. The result is excellent and can't wait to hear more from Lysergic. Check their stuff, hope you like it. Lysergic on facebook Lysergic on bandcamp