Some Happy Thoughts : two new songs  (News)
Some Happy Thoughs c'est le projet black métal de deux gars de Montréal, M.S. LeCri (voix) et 21 (instruments). Ils ont un nouvel album...

Mutank : new song P.O.P.U.L.O.U.S (News)
The classic thrash metal band, Mutank, from Montreal is back, with a new song, that will appear on the new EP W.H.A.T.S.T.H.A.T. that...

New compilation from GBS Records
If you are a fan of screamo / stoner / shoegaze / grunge / post whatever... this is a great compilations. GBS records is a small label...

What's Up Rézine ?
Yo guys just a little note ... for those who follow this blog Rezine is just one guy and he is slow .. hehe... summer in Montreal you...

Rezine is talking to YOU
I'm new to this webzine thing hope you enjoy the content i got for you so far. I just realised that facebook was only available to...