B.E.T.O.E : Basta!! (Review)

Basta is the new Ep of the anarcho punk crust band B.E.T.O.E from Venezuela. They label their music as Raw Pumk Shit and that is correct. They are three intense musicians and you get to feel the energy through the live recording of their music. The bass is heavy and is sometimes is taking over to carry the melody. The drum, as you can expect from a crust band, delivers some great d-beats and keep the speed going. The guitar never goes into solo mode, just throwing chords for fast and strong rhythms. The voice is raging and powerful, it's just a little bit in the back due to the live recording, but who cares, they are amazing and I enjoyed the EP. The music is available online and you can get in touch with them to get a cassette version of the album, that's what I did. They are busy with their music and they already have a new split/tribute to the Shit Licker out. Check their crust punk and anarchist views, just the way that I like my crust. Facebook Bandcamp