AlNamrood : Enkar (Review)

The Saudi Arabian band brings us a full length album with the title Enkar. This band will never appear in public, being anti-religion is not a safe thing to display publicly in their country, it can be fatal, being anti-religion also makes them anti-Authorities. I just love all of that, but no worries, it's not only a band that I like because of their attitude, the music is amazing. This is AlNamrood 6th LP, after launching the successful Diaji Al Joor in 2015, the band is back with a new logo for their name, notice the A in a circle, they are not here to submit to any divine ideas or let the media manipulate their thoughts. They are promoting the uprising against any form of authorities. Their music is strong and has a strong rhythm, they easily remind me of Sepultura, going for the effective beat that will make us head bang to the drums. The riffs of the guitar are not going for any technical prowess, just creating very inspiring songs. The early thrash metal and the crust punk are very obvious influences here, comparable to bands like Amebix and Doom.
The integration of Arabian sounds through folk instruments just add to their music, they stay true to themselves, not trying to emulate the western music, they instead make it their own, the Arabian sounds add a mystical effect to the occult and pagan elements they want to bring out with their tracks, they also have an instrumental song that is great, it fits well on the album. For the lyrics they don't compromise and sing in Arab, they sing about fighting the authorities, but also the apathy that makes us too weak to say or do anything, this album is a call for action, a perfect soundtrack to riots, check the video for Nabth and you see how perfect the music goes with images of riots.
Enkar is excellent in a lot of ways, for its music and what the songs are about, the mix of metal and punk with folk instruments, the occult, the black metal, the rage, the fight and a lot more. The guys deserve lots of respect for what they do and the chance they are taking by making that music. This is a band I just discovered and I have the feeling I missed out somewhere, but i will for sure listen to their music to make up for the time. This album will for sure make it in a top of the year. Check them hope you also get hooked up. Al-Namrood on facebook Shaytan productions on bandcamp Shaytan productions on facebook