Interview with Gull

Rezine: What is Gull?
Gull: A coastal seabird and personal performance/recording project on the wing.
Rezine: How did Gull started?
Gull: My father is a retired ornithologist who specialized in migratory birds.
We moved to Kingsville, TX from Athens, GA in 1981 when I was about a year old.
I have very early memories of feeding seagulls chips on a beach in Corpus Christi, TX - a place that my family often visited... I think it started there.
Rezine: What's the meaning of the name of the band?
Gull: Gull ~ Skull
Rezine: what's the band for you?
Gull: It is my attempt at bringing out what lies beneath the surface.
Rezine: Have you been playing for a long time before you started Gull?
Gull: I began playing bass guitar in 1996 and was in a high school band called Bucksnort, which later became Chaac Mool. Then, in 1998 I was in a band called Klesha and when the drummer from that group left to become a snack truck driver ~ the guitarist and I formed Snack Truck (cutting my teeth on drums)... Shortly after I also started "playing" guitar and squawking in a 3-piece called Ultra Dolphins. The idea for the Gull configuration began circa 1999, but didn't take true shape until 2002, just after a move to Philadelphia, PA. It was not until 2006 that I regularly performed as Gull, and not until 2010 did it become my primary endeavor.
Rezine: What are your influences?
Gull: Kate Bush, Tatsuya Yoshida, Coil, Neil Young, Abner Jay, Mahmud Ahmed, Kahlil Gibran, Edward Abbey, David Attenborough, VA, Africa (Motherland), Mexico, Southeast & west TX, John Rappole (Sr & Jr), Family, Friends and Lovers. Another important influence is Joseph Campbell
Rezine: What inspires your lyrics?
Gull: Bones and dust.
Rezine: Is there a theme you like to talk about in your songs?
Gull: Desert. Mountain. Time and tide.
Rezine: whats coming up for Gull?
Gull: I broke my right fibula a month ago and as a result I have been using a different setup... I recorded a live session of this material and a slew of other new songs with my friend, producer, engineer and Lagom Audio/Visual label half-head Cyrus Fisher ~ all to come out between now and next spring. Also, I will be releasing a full length documentary about street music and culture in Kenya. Four years in the making, Street Muse: Kenya will be available for free online and on DVD under the paywhatyouwant principle. This doc is meant to be the 1st in a series, so more destinations and collaborations to come.