Impressions on the new Spira Infernus upcoming album.

Here's the new project of a guy that has millions already. Nic writes stories and creates illustrations that goes with them. He sings in a black metal band called Pluie, he also is in an another band with the epic name of Glaive rouillé taché de sang purifié par le feu (rusty sword stained with blood purified by fire). And now his new project Spira Infernus. This project seems to inspire him a lot. I listened to the first six songs, but Nic told me he has 2 more albums that will follow. I'm not sure when and how this will all come out, but so far I love what I hear. The songs are minimalist and very intense. Sounds like spiritual melodies repeated on a keyboard blasted with distortion. It's not drone, it's not metal, it's something that has to get in your head. This might not be for everyone, but it worked for me, I felt that the simple music that came out was just perfect for me to close my
eyes and try to get in the mood of the music. Nic's universes are always dark and enigmatic and Spira Infernus fits in that line. The music is a continuity of his stories, his drawings and his other musical project.
Nic said that the new songs coming are better, I loved the first album and the pictures that goes with it, I just can't wait to hear what follows.