Interview with Easy Lover

Rezine: What's new with Easy Lover?
Easy Lover: It took some time to really figure out how to get a satisfying sound, being only three people. After all we didn't want to add new members to the band. We grew together so much over the last two years. Not only regarding the song writing process, but also as friends. Not really much has changed though. We’re still enjoying spending time together and doing what we love.
Rezine: You have a new album out how do you describe it?
EL: It obviously took some time to release something new after the last record, so there's some really fresh songs that we haven't played live so far and some older ones, that we rearranged quite a bit. So the record is more of a collection and represents the progress we made in the last 1 1/2 years. The result is something we're really happy with.
Rezine: How do you compare it to your previous stuff?
EL: We really wanted to achieve a fuller sound, make the songs a little bit more complex and add new elements. Our sound is still very dark and angry, but we experimented a little bit more with melodic parts this time.
Rezine: What influenced the music for this album?
EL: For all three of us 2015 wasn't the best year overall and we had to deal with major setbacks and quite a lot of frustration. Music for us (playing as well as consuming) has always been a way to express ourselves and to get through rough patches. "NO" is the product of everything we had to overcome and also a new start for us.
Rezine: What inspired the lyrics of the songs?
EL: Our lyrics have always been very personal and that's most certainly not going to change. I think most people especially with a punk/hardcore background know what it's like to be angry, frustrated and disappointed with almost everything around them. The songs are about dealing with the world outside our heads, accepting our own weaknesses and limitations and searching for answers inside ourselves rather than blaming others...
Rezine: Do you have songs that didn't make it in the album that we might hear later?
EL:We actually added one of the songs last minute. At first we were just messing around with it, but then we liked it so much that we decided that is has to be on the record. We have many unfinished ideas for songs and a lot of parts we like from older arrangements that are a good base for new material.
Rezine: What's coming up for Easy Lover?
EL: We're currently planning some weekenders for the coming months. We really just wanna play as much shows as we can schedule during the summer and hopefully we also get a tour done this year.