Impressions on the new album of Towanda

Alright beforehand I have to say I’m a big fan of this band. I really enjoyed their EP Black Sheep. I loved the roughness of their music, they don’t follow a recipe, they play loud and they are not looking for what will be the next best song. They play with their guts and they sound honest. What about this new album then?
It’s the same style that I loved, but this time the sound is different. More bass and to blend all the instruments, a shit load of distortions. The grunge sound and music is still there. I feel that the speed is faster on this album. The clear voice of Rosie is very powerful and intense. Even if the music sounds serious I can feel that the band has lots of fun playing together. They are authentic and their album Plaything sounds raw and great. They have a different sound this time, strong, simple and I love it. The last song Damage/Control is amazing.
New album is out and available in digital and if you want to get a cassette tape go for it.