Interview with Pyramido

Rezine: What's coming up with Pyramido? Dan: Well we have the new record coming out late April called "Vatten". We´re gonna play a few shows - Some weekend shows in Sweden to promote the album and later on the same thing in Germany. We also took a break after we recorded in October and we just now started to rehearse properly again. That´s what’s up basically. Rezine: Tell us about the new album, was it it a long process to get to the final result? Dan: It was a fucking long process yeah. At least compared to our earlier years when we put something out at least once a year. With "Saga", our third full-length we were over all kind of pleased, but still there was a couple of songs that we´ve never played live and are not overly thrilled with. This time we made sure that "Vatten" was filler-free, so to say.
The vinyl version will be released thru Halo of Flies in North America and Farewell records in Europe, the cd-version will be handled by this small label in the US called Absolute contempt records and there will be a cassette version released by our friend Nicke and his label Boneyard records and by BTNK cllctv in Asia. That´s a lot of labels!! Rezine: What influenced the music or what was the mindset while composing the songs? Dan: It´s a long process, so the mindset have been all over the map. From very chill and reflective to stressed and grump. Nowadays I find it really difficult to talk about specific influences. This is a boring ass answer but I suppose we all bring our own bits and pieces to the table when it comes to influences. Some of us are very "metal", some of us are more hardcore/punk, some of us are a bit softer but all of us are a bit of everything. If that makes any sense? Rezine: What inspired the lyrics for the songs?
Ronnie: I usually answer that I get inspired by daily life in every kind of the way. And of course I was this time too, it would be impossible not to be for me, but the passing of near and dear had more of a influence on for example the last song “En rak linje” and the dismantling of our welfare system and the political situation here in Sweden was the trigger for the songs “Aktion” and “Att bida sin tid”. Rezine: What's your favourite song on the album and why? Dan: I think I like "Att bida sin tid" the most. That´s the love child of the album for me. I think it has a nice pulse to it, some pretty decent melodies and I think Ronnies vocals is perfect on this track. I get chills when he scream "livet är ett helvete och ett paradis för få". There´s even a nod to John Coltrane on that track! Rezine: Any plans for a tour with this new release? Dan: As I mentioned earlier we´re gonna do a few dates and that´s all we have planned for now. I´m gonna be a dad in June so that will probably take up some time, maybe a week or so. We would really like to tour North America, but that’s just hopes and dreams for now.
Pre-Orders the new LP
with Punk Distro or Halo Of Flies